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Stress Relief Ashwagandha Gummies

Stress Relief Ashwagandha Gummies

Regular price Rs. 302.00
Regular price Rs. 698.00 Sale price Rs. 302.00
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The statements made have not been approved by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
All claims are based solely on the properties of the individual ingredients and not on the product as a whole.

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Global Innovation Rooted in Indian Tradition

A wellness journey across continents

Your Stress-Free Journey with Body Reserve Gummies

Tip #1 - Nature's Retreat
Spend some time with nature, it's a natural stress buster. Go for a walk in a park or sit by a quiet stream. The sights, sounds, and smells can work wonders in calming your mind and reducing stress.
Tip #2 - Mindful Eating
Nourish your body mindfully. Incorporate a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Try to savor each bite, noticing the flavors, textures, and colors. Mindful eating can help reduce stress and improve digestion.
Tip #3 - Quality Sleep
Prioritize good sleep. A restful night's sleep allows your body and mind to rejuvenate and helps in managing stress better. Create a sleep-friendly environment with a cool temperature, quiet surroundings, and a comfortable bed.
Tip #4 - Engagein Creative Activities
Engage in activities that you love, such as painting, reading, playing a musical instrument, or gardening. Creative activities can help channelize your energy positively, reduce stress, and boost overall well-being.
Tip #5 - Boost Your Calm with Natural Ashwagandha Gummies
Embrace self-love and self-care with The Body Reserve Stress Free Ashwagandha Gummies. Give yourself a moment every day to sit back, relax, and enjoy these delicious gummies. Formulated with premium Ashwagandha, our gummies are designed to support relaxation and stress reduction. Savor the taste of tranquility one gummy at a time!

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Dilipkumar Meena

IMMEDIATE difference These gummies are so delicious! They really helped with my anxiety and stress. The flavor on these make it so much easier to take than the capsules and I read somewhere that gummies absorb quicker.

Thank you

Ayush Kumar

Great Flavor
ashwagandha too. I'd say that it tastes a little bit it’s a natural extract one. loved itt..

Thank you


This product is a rare find, The real deal, A life changer for some. These are great. I take one as soon as I wake up and between dinner and falling asleep.

Thank you


Good for immune system These tastes good for sure, but I can’t confirm or claim any actual benefits of it after 2 purchases. I was introduced to these on vacation and decided to try them at home in a more relaxed setting. They taste great and I wanted believe they were doing something, but I just can’t confirm there was an actual change or benefit for me personally.

Thank you


Really works! Feel great candy, and taste good. I have noticed the difference in my sleep and less stress out & more energy. Help me to Increase my sx drive in a month. Wow!

Thank you